Key 46: Agricultural Science [i] 1911; 1922; 1925


Professor Cherry's class
Professor Cherry's class
[Source: Alma Mater, supplement to Vol iii, No 6, September 1898, p. 27]

The Faculty of Agriculture was created in 1906 and teaching began, but it had no dedicated staff until 1911, when Dr Thomas Cherry MD DS, State Director of Agriculture since 1905, was appointed foundation professor, followed in 1917 by A.E.V. Richardson.

A third element in the University's new emphasis on rural studies, the four year course required students to be exposed to practical experience of farming at Dookie Agricultural College. Student numbers were not high and Government at first determined not to renew the grant for Agriculture in 1916, but by 1920 the faculty was more firmly established and moved into its own building on Royal Parade in 1922.

School of Agriculture, c1910
School of Agriculture, note the iron picket fence, c1910
[Source: University of Melbourne Archives Image Catalogue, UMA-I-1885]

In 1925 Richardson was succeeded by Samuel M. Wadham under whose leadership for the next twenty years the faculty would flourish.

Professor Samuel Wadham (left), with Mrs A.V. Jackson and T. Burry
Professor Samuel Wadham (left), with Mrs A.V. Jackson and T. Burry
[Source: University of Melbourne Archives Media Photograph Collection, Photograph no number]